The events of the day of Ashura

The events of the day of Ashura

The events of the day of Ashura

On the tenth day of Muharram, known as the Day of Ashura, the day in which the greatest misfortune of the universe took place and Imam Hussein (RA)and his family were martyred.
The incidents of Karbala took place on Friday the 10th of Muharram in the year 61 of the lunar calendar. The age of Imam Hussain (as)was 56 years old and months after the assassination of Karbala, with measures like starting to store food for one year, greeting and wearing new clothes, and fasting, as in the pilgrimage to Imam Hussain (RA)
Imam Hussein divided his army into three categories against Al - Salam after morning prayers , consisting of 32 men and 40 on foot . The first batch was placed in the Maimana division , the second in the Maysare section , and a group between them.
He left the Meymaneh district ( Zahir ibn al - Mazaher ) and his command in the centre of the two armies , and left the flag in the center of the two armies and handed over the flag to his brother Abbas , known as Qamar Al - Salam .
The two armies were ranged against one another and were waiting to begin the decisive battle .

2 - The advice before imam Hussein battle against to prevent the conflict and bloodshed of the two sides made a great effort to prevent the killing of Muslims from killing Muslims and not to spill blood from anyone. but the enemy, who was proud of his army and the feeble being of the Imam against him, was no direct answer to any proposal, and did not seek to determine the task of war and bloodshed. On the day of Ashura Imam Hussein sent some of his companions to the enemy's army to talk to them, and to dissuade them from wickedness. The Emperor, too, had set himself up again for the advice of the enemy of the enemy, and, in a clear voice, invited them to maintain peace and bloodshed, and to avoid war and battle. But only a few woke up and found the truth and joined the army, the others were in their disarray, urging the war to begin.
The regret of Har bin Yazid, Har bin Yazid Tamimi, who was one of the brave and brave commanders of Umar bin Saad, and he was the one who in the first place blocked the way for Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, and sent him to Karbala by force and reluctance. peace be upon him and his desire for truth, and on the other hand he witnessed the evil intentions of Umar bin Saad and the troops of Obaidullah bin Ziyad and their crimes and atrocities, he woke up from the sleep of neglect and worldliness and felt a sense of concern and remorse. And a surprising transformation took place in him. In such a way that the disbelief army suddenly left the profession of Umar bin Saad and went to the tent of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him).
The general attack of the enemy's army, who felt the danger and loss of strength from the joining of Harr and a few others to the army of Imam Hossein (peace be upon him) and saw the continuation of this situation to their own detriment, issued the attack order.
Ashura noon prayer At noon, one of the companions of the Imam (peace be upon him) named Abu Thammama Siddawi, informed him about the time of noon prayer. Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, who attached special importance to prayer, ordered to stop the war and everyone should pray. Imam Hossein had to stop the war one-sidedly and performed the noon prayer in the form of fear prayer (special prayer during the war) with his few companions. The Companions of that Prophet were divided into two groups, one group followed the prayer of Imam (peace be upon him) and the other group defended. But the enemies showed no mercy to the Imam (peace be upon him) and the worshipers, and by releasing arrows, they targeted them.
The struggle and martyrdom of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, after losing all his companions, Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, gathered the women of Asmat Panah in a tent, consoled them, and advised them to be patient, and with a broken heart, He said goodbye to them. He appointed his son, Imam Zain al-Abidin (peace be upon him), who is suffering from a serious illness, as his successor.
He suffered many wounds in the battlefield, until he fell to the ground due to multiple injuries. At that time, the enemies did not let him go and hit him with various tools, including arrows, spears, swords, and stones. In the end, the Holy Prophet gave up his strength and fell on the warm soil of Karbala and was ready for God's party. Shamar bin Dhi Al-Jawshan went to the bloody body of the Holy Prophet with all his cruelty, while Ramqi was in his noble body. He removed the blessed head from the neck and handed over the severed head to Kholi Esbahi to take it to Omar bin Saad.

Translator :F*EB

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