What is disgusting

What is disgusting

What is disgusting?

Makrooh literally means disgusting and undesirable thing, and in jurisprudence it is used to refer to an action which, although it is not haram, it is better to leave it. Not doing Makrooh is better than doing it. Obligatory, forbidden, recommended and permissible is one of the five rules.
Makrooh has two meanings:
Makrooh meaning in worship:*
Makrooh in worship means that performing makrooh action reduces the reward of worship, for example, reciting the Qur'an for the person next door or women who are menstruating is makrooh, ie the reward of reciting the Holy Qur'an is less for them.

Makrooh meaning in non-worship:
Makrooh in non-worship means that not doing makrooh is better than doing it.
For example, standing up to drink water at night is disgusting, which means that although drinking water while standing at night is not forbidden, it is better to refrain from doing so.*

Philosophy of the existence of abominations

Each of the abominations mentioned in the religion of Islam certainly has a negative effect on human life; But this effect is not enough to cause his severe spiritual destruction or decline, but it has a negative effect anyway. Of course, this meaning is touched by those who have a high tenderness of soul. In this regard, and to clarify the issue, it should be said; Sins and prohibitions for human beings are like poisonous food, in which by eating every bite of it, the human digestive system becomes more poisoned, to the extent that it may cause severe poisoning. Disgusting is like unhealthy food, although it does not lead to poisoning; However, they have a small negative impact on human health. A person who has committed many sins and is afflicted with cruelty of heart, great sins have become normal for him and doing so does not make his soul weak; But a person whose soul is pure and gentle not only does not think of great sins, but if he does something disgusting, he feels turbidity and darkness in himself; Like a very clean board that, when the slightest dust settles on it, people notice and clean it.

In our hadith sources, there are many narrations about dislikes and their philosophy of hatred, some of which we will mention in this brief:
Imam Sadegh (AS):
Overeating is disgusting
. It is clear that overeating is disgusting due to the harms - such as overweight, blood fats, etc. - to the body. Of course, if this damage reaches a significant level, it will be removed from hatred and will be respected.
Our sleeping between dawn (dawn to sunrise), or between Maghrib and Isha prayers is considered a cause of poverty;
Because one of the most valuable opportunities of human beings is lost and that is why it is considered disgusting.
Therefore, all abominations have negative effects on human material or spiritual life, although human beings may not realize all these effects. Hatred, of course, has degrees.

Translator : Faeghe E brahimpour

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