Relationships between children

Relationships between children

The relationship between the children of a family

is a sensitive one. The affection that exists between parents and children becomes more subtle in the sibling relationship. Brothers and sisters, on the other hand, do not tolerate each other as much as parents tolerate their children; For this reason, there is more friction and clash of tastes and wills between them.
The siblings of the family gradually prepare to socialize in their mutual relations. They form relationships that do not have strong emotions, such as the relationship between parents and children. The child experiences many problems in the relationship with his or her parents because of the love of the parents, and because of the trust he or she has in them, he or she can build a positive relationship with them, but where such trust There is no such love, the other party forgives less, and the mediating role of the parents in the love of sister to brother and vice versa is very effective in establishing communication. After parents, siblings have the greatest influence on each other's personality and social behaviors, especially if they are between 2 and 10 years old. Siblings learn from each other some patterns of behavior such as loyalty, support, disagreement, dominance, and competition. Sibling relationships change with age. During puberty, some of the first and most obvious competitions and biases are reduced. In cases where siblings have benefited from appropriate behavioral patterns, they become trustworthy people and a source of mutual spiritual support, a special intimacy is created between them, they consider each other as their secret and with They share their issues with each other more easily.
Brothers and sisters have many rights over each other based on their loving relationship, and their moral duties are very important.
Respect for the rights of siblings strengthens their emotional relationship, and strengthening this relationship is actually good for parents; Because parents always want their children to have a loving relationship with each other, and if they meet this desire, they will be pleased.
Imam Sajjad (as) in his treatise on rights says about the rights of brothers to each other:
But your brother's right is to know that he is to you a hand that you open, and a support to which you take refuge, and an honor on which you rely, and a strength by which You will succeed.
Therefore, according to this part of the treatise of Imam Sajjad (as), we find that siblings should:
1. Be friends and supporters of each other.
2. To be advisers and benefactors of each other in the way of happiness and perfection.
The two complement each other's duties, and neither completes the duties of a brotherhood without the other.
Knowing these points will improve the relationship between the children and the things that may happen in the future can be largely avoided.

Translator: Fatemeh Abbaszadeh

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