Mutual respect in Islam

Mutual respect in Islam

Mutual respect in Islam

One of the moral principles and one of the growth factors of the family institution is respect for each other. Respect is one of the human values. When a person respects others, he has actually respected himself; because with this behavior, he has taught others to treat him like this.
Respect increases the level of politeness in the family and creates a polite and peaceful family. Cherishing inspires respect to the recipient of the message, and in this case, relationships are strengthened and intimacy and friendship increase.
The Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his family and peace be upon him) considers it necessary to respect women over men.
The Prophet (PBUH) describes the best men as follows: The best of you are those who are gentle and respect their wives. Observance of respect in speech and behavior is mutual and wives should also observe it in dealing with their husband.
Humans in their lives are influenced by others and are influenced by them. In a family, from parents to children, they influence each other's personality and mood. The social environment of the society, the media, the press and all the members and elements present in the social scene who are related to the individual, have an effect on developing his spirit and personality. In short, the said flow is evident in all dimensions of human life, although the manner and manner of this process is hidden in many cases.
Nature is the inner form of man, just as nature is the external form of things. Instincts, possessions, and spiritual and inner qualities that are in humans are called morals, and the actions that come from these morals are also called morals.
By referring to the definitions of ethics, it is determined that the relationship between ethics and family is a completely direct and mandatory relationship; Because man is never able to gain awareness, perfection and remove the defects of his ego and behavior except in the safe and constructive environment of the family. Therefore, a person who seeks perfection and avoids weakness and defects, seeks to be present in the family and strengthen the relationships of its members.
Islam has established complete equality between men and women in terms of planning social affairs and the involvement of their will and action in this planning and management. The reason for this equality is that a woman has all the desires and needs that a man has and therefore, the Qur'an says: "You men and women are of the same sex." Therefore, men and women are equal in all that Islam deems right, and in matters of marriage and the creation and survival of the human race, each person plays their role based on their physiological parts, and no one has an advantage over the other.
Good fellowship in the family is determined in two limits, legal boundaries and moral guidelines, and "the definition of good fellowship, which is presented as a duty for the husband and a right for the wife, and is a factor in consolidating family life, if it is opened well, it shows all of it. There are things that a man should do in front of a woman. In "maintenance" all the physical needs of a woman should be provided and in "good company" all her spiritual needs should be provided.

Trsanslator :Faeghe Ebrahimpour

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