Water for health

Water for health

Drinking water

Unfortunately, many people are not familiar with the correct principles of drinking water and have wrong beliefs about the amount of water consumption, for example, they think that drinking 8 or 10 glasses of water a day is healthy! In this article, we will learn about the correct principles of drinking water from the perspective of traditional and Islamic medicine.
Correct drinking of water is very important in the teachings of traditional medicine, and unfortunately, there are common misconceptions about the amount of water consumed and its quality; Below are some important and key principles about drinking water from the point of view of traditional and Islamic medicine:
-Drinking water will be harmful until thirst prevails.
- Unprincipled water therapy regimes harm the health of the body (such as drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day).
-Before drinking water, the name of God must be mentioned (today scientists have proven the miraculous effect of words on water and food).
-The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Drink the water in three breaths because the first breath is sugar; The second breath is to stay away from Satan and the third breath is healing. As you know, the coldness of the water affects the liver, so if we drink the water in one breath, the cooled liver will be damaged and the body's instinctive heat will decrease.
-Drinking water while standing up at night causes pain that has no cure; The Holy Prophet (PBUH) says that if someone drinks water standing up at night, he will definitely vomit it.
-Avoid drinking a lot of water; In this context, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) says: Drink less water because it prolongs the pain.
- Do not drink cold water while fasting because water does not contain nutrients and the stomach does not hold it and it reaches the organs directly; If it reaches the heart, the cause of stroke, if it reaches the brain, the weakness of the organs, the respiratory and vocal systems will also cause their dysfunction.
- Do not drink water between meals; If the food is eaten calmly and with a lot of chewing, there is no need to drink water, and the food is well mixed with saliva, digested and fully absorbed, and constipation will not occur.
- Imam Reza (a.s.) said: "The best water for residents and travelers is water whose source comes from the east, is light and clear, and passes through sandy and clay mountains." This kind of water is warm in winter and cool in summer and causes stomach ache. Boiled water is also suitable and recommended for drinking.
Boiled water; Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says that boiled water is useful for everything and does not harm anything.
Unboiled water is heavy and causes illness, its coldness and humidity produce phlegm that penetrates the nerves, make the water soft and light by boiling it, and according to the advice of Imam Sadiq (a.s.), it is better to boil the water in a brass container.
Benefits of water for health

Water does not have nutritional properties for the body, that is, no organs are built with it and it does not produce blood, but it is a carrier of food and makes food reach narrow veins and distant organs. If there is no water, the food will burn during cooking. For example, if rice is cooked in a pot without water, it will burn. Water in the human body is to prevent food from burning. Drinking water is necessary to keep the body moist, to cool the instinctive heat of the heart, to refresh the color and softness of the skin, and to relieve the thirst and warmth of the stomach, intestines, and liver.

Translator :Faeghe Ebrahimpour

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