Bath with hunger or full stomach!

Bath with hunger or full stomach!

Researchers have found that a full

stomach while taking a bath causes damage to the heart and respiratory rhythm, causing dizziness and headache.
This issue is extremely dangerous and troublesome especially for children and teenagers.
A full stomach while taking a bath causes the intestines to digest and expel food from the body at a slower rate.
It is better to avoid eating a lot of food an hour before going to the bathroom.
The best food to consume after coming out of the bath is water and liquids, because water improves blood flow in the body and keeps boredom away.
Especially the elderly and those who have heart diseases or the main arteries supplying blood to the brain and neck arteries are narrow, it is better not to go to the bathroom at least one hour after eating a heavy meal; Because after eating a lot of food, the blood goes to the digestive system to digest and absorb the food, and the blood supply to the brain decreases.
It is not recommended to take a hot or warm bath after a meal, because it interferes with the blood flow around the stomach and negatively affects the digestion of food.
So go to the bathroom after digesting food, that is, with a light stomach.
The importance of this issue is so great that the elders of Islam have also given orders in this regard.
Imam Reza (peace be upon him) said in this regard:
"Do not take a bath with a full stomach, because it causes colic."
Washing with cold water after eating fish causes paralysis.
There are narrations in hadith sources that both bathing on an empty stomach and on a full stomach are harmful:
Imam Sadiq (a.s.): "Do not take a bath unless there is food in your stomach; Because it removes the heat of the stomach and makes the body stronger, and don't go to the bathroom with a full stomach."
Imam Kazem (a.s.): "Do not go to the bathroom hungry and on an empty stomach, and eat something before going to the bathroom."
Therefore, what is understood from the hadiths in this context is that bathing is harmful for the body in the state of complete hunger and complete satiety. And the best time to take a bath is when a person is neither hungry nor after being completely satisfied and going to the bath with a full stomach.

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