Islamic freedom

Islamic freedom
Title: Islamic freedom
Category: Politic
Translator: F* BE
Key words: Freedom, ISLAM, inner freedom, external freedom,
Islamic freedom
In Islam, the meaning of freedom is inner freedom; But without achieving external freedom, it is impossible to achieve internal freedom. Islam only accepts freedom of thought and rejects freedom of belief. The acceptance of freedom of thought and freedom of expression is based on the fact that we must differentiate between religion and religious thought and what is called "ultimate truths of the universe" and believe that a special conception of God is not necessary. Commenting on politics and government is also completely free, since Islam has not proposed any specific form of government and political system.
Historically, in Islamic societies, freedom has more of a legal meaning and is used against the word "slave". In the tradition of Islamic political thought, justice is the opposite of tyranny, and slavery is the opposite of freedom. On the other hand, freedom in Islamic thought is more internal and means freedom from the slavery of the self. Currently, many thinkers use the term religious freedom, which actually means "inner freedom".
According to the new attitude, political freedom is basically a new concept that is essential in itself. From this point of view, freedom in its modern sense is defined by politics, which today is an act of collective planning. Therefore, in principle, it is not a question that according to Islam, freedom is the same as inner freedom; rather, what is being discussed is political freedom as a necessity for human life in the current situation, and this can only be realized in a democratic structure.
Some equate the word freedom with debauchery, and chaos, and when discussing freedom, their mind notices sexual freedom and promiscuity first of all. This way of thinking is probably caused by the social status of Western societies. These people think that freedom is also a product of the West; they see freedom and freedom as the same thing. However, if we ignore some superficial perceptions, what is meant by freedom is political and intellectual freedom with all its dimensions, and in this sense, the prophets were the greatest messengers of freedom in their time.
The Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: "One of the things for which peoples will never be punished is that a person thinks about creation, God and the world and finds obsession in his heart. Be." The high position of thinking in Islam shows the value and importance that Islam has given to thought and its freedom. There is no doubt about the high position of thought and thinking in Islam; But the question is, does Islam accept freedom of thought without any restrictions?
Freedom of thought has no meaning without freedom of speech. Freedom of thought is conceivable only with the possibility of projecting thought in society and presenting it to people and thinkers. The claim of the existence of freedom of thought in the society can be true when different and opposing thoughts are presented, criticized and evaluated freely and without government interference. Freedom of speech, like freedom of thought, includes a wide field, and different people can present and advertise their opinion in the society according to the legal limits. In this context, Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) says: "When some opinions are mixed with some, the right is born"; Make the votes face each other so that the correct vote is born from them. It is obvious that the clash of votes is not possible except in the space of freedom of expression.
Translator: F* BE

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