Family economy

Family economy

How to strengthen the family economy?

What makes the family economy unique is the existence of internal connections between job and family roles. However, family economy activities should not be considered as a joke and entertainment, but should be pursued seriously and carefully planned. This means that all family members are required to follow the family's economic policies in order to advance its goals. Under normal circumstances, the family's economic management should be based on the income and expenses of each family member. Just as in the family, parents need to exercise emotional, psychological, and social management, so does management when it comes to spending and balancing income and expenditure.
To manage the first cost, we have to write down the costs, because we can not decide whether to reduce costs or not until we know exactly how much it costs. If you ask someone how much your monthly expenses are and did not say the exact figure, know that it certainly can not be economically successful. Business people know exactly how much and where they have spent. We need to have small monthly cost statistics to be successful. Then there is the cost reduction.
An important step to improve the economic situation in the family is to have financial discipline. The fact is that there is often a sloppiness that is often rooted in personality weaknesses and lack of financial discipline and cost reduction. Personality weaknesses and hidden inner layers make us spend better, more and more abundantly.
What is the boundary between planning and being careful about spending and being stingy?
The difference is that spend money are more concerned with reason than soul. We spend easily where it is needed and we do not spend where it is not needed. For dowry, for example, a refrigerator is necessary and we must buy a good refrigerator. But if it is not a microwave, it will not be damaged. Because it is up to most of us to decide where we have no rational justification for shaving and justifying our consumer behavior, we give seemingly rational reasons for our choices. So the way is to be careful with the criteria of individual and social reason in the costs of actions. We have to sit and stand with the wise men of the world to get the ruler of our work. Because I am captivated by my breath and I am looking for immediate pleasure, and I may spend some stingy things and think that this is the wisdom of livelihood, or I may be extravagant in some places and think that this is generosity. A third person should slowly teach me where to spend wisely and rightly and where wrongly. Where is the example of stinginess and where is the example of extravagance.
As a wise and mature human being, we now have to test our beliefs. Examine the hidden layers of the mind. If our financial decisions and expenses are based on need and it makes sense, we spend, even if it costs a lot, but if not, we should think.
One of the important criteria of Islamic lifestyle is the issue of economy and how to manage financial issues. In the Islamic way of life, there are principles in the issue of economics that in the absence of a family, it takes on a material color instead of a divine color. In Islam, the principle of human excellence and growth is towards spirituality; And financial and economic issues are considered as tools; And if this issue is taken into account in the family, the meaning is that the family economy should be viewed as a tool; That is, the economy and financial issues in the family should be managed in a way that serves human growth and excellence.

Translator: Faeghe Ebrahimpour

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