Iranians make the last Wednesday of the year memorable

Iranians make the last Wednesday of the year memorable

Iranians make the last Wednesday of the year memorable

Syrian Wednesday, also known as the end-of-year Wednesday and Red-Wednesday night celebrations, is one of the Iranian celebrations that is held on the last Wednesday night of the year (from Tuesday evening) and is the first of a series of Nowruz celebrations and occasions.
Fireworks became popular in Iran on Wednesday night during the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah and by the French. At first, this play was performed only for the entertainment of the king, then the people also participated in this entertainment, and the order to show it was issued in the ball house square, and people stood there to watch the fireworks, and gradually in the way it is performed today. Came.
In the past, before sunrise, it was customary for each family to use the thorn bushes they had already planted on the roof or in the yard or in the passage in three or five or seven "herds" of mounds.
At this time, from big to small, they each jump from the burning bushes three times, so that they can get rid of the weakness and jaundice caused by the disease, sorrow and hardship, and give health, redness and happiness to their existence. People jumping over the fire sing the song 'My yellow is from you, your red is from
Other rituals such as breaking pots, fortune-telling, cooking votive offerings, sprinkling water, fortune-telling for girls, removing wounds from eyes, frankincense and spices, fortune-telling, and fortune-telling are other attractive mirrors that used to spice up the joy and happiness of people in It was the last Wednesday of the year.
Each region of Iran has its own customs and traditions for this celebration, which defines the culture and ethnic and tribal relations that define it.

The people of Bushehr, after setting fire to their houses and jumping over them, pass through the water and believe that this evil act will be eliminated tonight. The people of Bushehr go to the sea during the Wednesday ceremony and dip their feet in the water. And while throwing a few stones into the water;
Another Syrian Wednesday custom in Mashhad and cities in western Khorasan Razavi, such as Sabzevar, is to throw a large ball into the fire. In this way, they make a big ball with firewood and set it on fire and throw it from a height.
The people of Kurdistan, especially the villagers, go in groups to the desert and near the springs, and after spending some time in joy and dancing and wrestling, when they return home, everyone collects some pebbles and, without looking back, removes the pebbles from the surface. He throws his shoulder back, thus avoiding disaster.
In the villages of Mazandaran province, in addition to smoking pewter and wrestling, all kinds of soups are cooked on Wednesday night. One of these soups is seven-pickle soup, which uses seven types of vegetables, seven types of pickles and seven types of beans to cook it. Another dish that can be named is nettle soup, one of the vegetables of which is nettle. The people of this region believe that eating this soup eliminates many diseases and ailments.
Another custom that is common in Ashtian on Syrian Wednesday night is the ritual of a woman with a spoon, in which mostly girls wear a chador and go to the locals' houses and beat the bowl with a spoon. The owner of the house, who knows their purpose well, gives them nuts and sweets.
Villagers in Hamedan usually light fires on the roofs with old brooms, and young people jump out of the fire. Also, a number of jars, called jenny jars, are dropped from the roof and broken, with the intention that by breaking them, misfortune will be removed from the house.
This Russian etiquette is part of the ancient Persian culture and special ceremonies are held in other provinces

In the hope that one day we will revive Iranian traditions in peace and tranquility

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