Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS)

Osveh, Cultural Institute of Qur'an and Atrat Osveh, Tehran,

Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS)
Hazrat Ali Akbar (a.s.) the eldest son of Imam Hussein was born in Madineh in 33 AH. His honorable mother, Leila, is the daughter of Abi Mera. Leyla was borne a son to Imam Hossein, Ra brave, beautiful, the most similar to the Messenger of God, his face on the Messenger of God, his conversation the conversation of the Messenger of God, everyone who wished to meet the Messenger of God looked at the face of Leyla's son, as far as his honorable father. He says, "Whenever we wanted to meet the Prophet, we would look at his face";

Moral characteristics of Hazrat Ali Akbar peace be upon him:
When Hazrat Ali Akbar was young, he was open and happy in the crowd and with his friends. But when he was alone, he was thoughtful and sad. He was very interested in being alone with his God and dealing with the secret and need and talking with the creator of existence. In life, he was easy-going, gentle and good-natured, his gaze was short and he did not stare at anyone. Most of the time he kept his eyes on the ground and the needy and the poor, who did not have significant respect in terms of appearance in the society and the eyes of the worldly. He would sit down and get up, eat with them and put food in their mouths with his hand. His intellectual originality and spiritual stability had made him so that he was never afraid of any ruler.
He never found fault and avoided inappropriate eulogy and listening to people's flattery. He considered all humans as God's servants and refrained from humiliating them. Throughout his life, he did not insult anyone. He hated lies and honesty and truthfulness was always his way. He was generous and gave what he got to others, especially the needy.
The model of youth from Hazrat Ali Akbar

Although young people have good qualities, sometimes they lose the ability to bear hardships and the capacity to face adversity, and the weight of adversity in life, the balance of their behavior and speech can be seen. Hazrat Ali Akbar can be a good role model for young people. This goal is not achieved. Except by thinking about his life and taking advantage of the hadiths of the elders.
Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH): Nothing is more beloved in the sight of God Almighty than a repentant youth, and nothing is more hateful in the sight of God Almighty than an old man who is engaged in sin.
In his nature, young people are right-oriented and God-oriented, and have characteristics such as a desire for innovation, creativity, and beauty, and the grounds for the development of these natural characteristics should be provided for him. He is like a sapling that, if given the right sun, water and soil, grows and remains healthy and does not bow to natural events and does not return from its origin until it is like a stout and firm tree.
Hazrat Ali Akbar, who was brought up in the lap of a worthy and pure mother, and the life of the Prophet was at the center of his life, can be a worthy role model for young Muslims to be their light in life.

 Translator: F*EB

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