There is an opportunity to sacrifice Ismael

Osveh, Cultural Institute of Qur'an and Atrat Osveh, Tehran,

All divine tasks, including obligations, prohibitions, compulsory actions, etc., have one goal, and that is that man can progress from an individual and social point of view and reach the reality of creation, divine caliphate, and divine nearness, and it is very clear that the actions that We do, whether we do our duties or avoid forbidden things, it makes no difference to God Almighty, and it does not matter whether all mankind are monotheists or polytheists, but for humans themselves, monotheistic behavior is a factor to bring him closer to the philosophy of creation.
One of the most beautiful divine acts of worship that brings people closer to this goal is performing sacrifices on Eid al-Adha. This movement is symbolic and instructive, and its meaning is that a person is willing to sacrifice everything, including his child, for the sake of God, and before that, a person actually sacrifices himselfe.
Eid al-Adha is an opportunity to take Ismael to the altar, so that everything we have become attached to becomes a sacrifice and to reach God. The pilgrims are now in Mena and have brought Ibrahimi and Ismail to the altar.
Eid al-Adha, the great day of the test of servitude and monotheism, the day of the great defeat ofdevil, the day of sacrifice and self-denial, the day of decency, dignity and sacrifice of Ismael and the victory of Ibrahim and Ishmael in the great divine test, the day of Rami in Jamrat and overcoming the great Satan. And all the demons inside and the day of strength and resistance. Eid al-Adha means the Eid of release and freedom from the bondage of self and falsehood, towards the prosperity of faith and certainty, and freedom from the humiliation of dependencies and everything that is ungodly and misleading.
Ibrahim, peace be upon him, moves his wife and child from his original home and brings them to the land of Makkah and settles there, and is assigned to sacrifice Ismail: Prophet Ibrahim, by the command of Almighty God, to sacrifice Prophet Ismail. He goes forward, but Almighty God sends another sacrifice instead of Ismail.
Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) upon attaining the position of Imamate and acknowledged: Reaching this position was not so easy, but he was given this position after difficult tests that he underwent.
Any act done with the intention of closeness is a sacrifice.
The meaning of God's name and remembrance at the beginning and completion of every work to be the presence of his monotheistic belief in the text of action and attention to God's intuition in the scene of life.
Everything that is mentioned in the Holy Quran has the aspect of guidance and guidance for human life. Therefore, the plan of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ishmael (AS) by Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is for us to receive the necessary messages for our own lives from this flow and this fate and to be able to implement those lessons and messages in our lives. Let's get close to God.



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