Teaching religious issues to children
Teaching the rules to children is one of the important issues that have always been expressed in the traditions and sayings of Imams and the Prophet of Islam. Because this type of education is a guide to the path of life, relying on it, children can easily distinguish between right and wrong and not fall into the trap of error and destruction.
Health does not end only with the human body, but if both the soul and the body are in perfect health, it can be said that we have achieved health. Now, how can this health be obtained?
The body and the soul are like two wings, if one of them is not there, a person cannot reach the highest levels of health, so we should pay special attention to the soul and its belongings, just as we care about the food of our body and its diseases. The best thing that a person can achieve for the health of his soul and body is to act and adhere to the principles of the religion of Islam. They are fugitives and they cannot even bear to hear it because they have not seen that religion which is the real guide to secrets and ammunition.
Religion has been given special importance to children because children at this age have a very high understanding and ability to understand and learn, as far as it is narrated by prophets that learning to children at a young age is like drawing a picture on a stone. This means that this knowledge will not disappear from his mind anymore, and on the contrary, if someone intends to learn something at an old age, it is like drawing a pattern on water. One of these issues, which is very important and is part of the obligations, is the issue of prayer, which should be taught to minors.
In the teaching and learning of any subject, the principles and foundations of the structure of that subject are of special and fundamental importance. The principles and foundations of every science are the pillars and foundations of the building, which play a fundamental role in its strength and life.
Little kids don't know who God is, but they really don't know "who a grandma or grandpa really is" either! However, you still want them to know their grandparents. So, you easily start talking about them. It's the same with the concept of God, that is, just as your child will accept your words about grandma being an important person in his life, so will he accept your words about the existence of God.
You can use everyday events to teach spirituality. Expressing great concepts does not always require great actions. You can show that spirituality is a part of everyday life by incorporating spirituality into everyday actions and words. For example, when you close the curtains in the morning, you can say: "Look what a glorious day the creator of nature has made for us!" Help your child see nature as something precious by showing your personal love and respect for nature. When you go for a walk in the forest or by the beach, don't throw anything on the ground and put the trash in a bag and even pick up the trash that others have thrown. Show consideration and kindness towards the living creatures of every habitat.
Translator: Faeghe Ebrahimpour