Islamic medicine 2

اسوه ,موسسه فرهنگی قرآن و عترت اسوه تهران

One of the topics that I was eager to gather information about in Islamic medicine was about drugs (compounds) and the reason for that was my own use of this drug and the effect it had on me.
Composite 1
One of the combined medicines of Islamic medicine (Ayatollah Tabrizian) for the treatment of the predominance of soda temper, the treatment of the predominance of bile temper, the treatment of the predominance of phlegm temper, the treatment of diseases related to the liver, the treatment of stomach pain, the treatment of vomiting and nausea, the treatment of fever, the treatment of barsam, the treatment of withdrawal Hands and feet, treatment of prostate and bladder stones, treatment of dysentery, treatment of abdominal pain, treatment of head heat, treatment of jaundice (jaundice), treatment of hemorrhoids, treatment of psoriasis, treatment of hepatitis, ...
Composite 2
Another combined medicine of Islamic medicine (Ayatollah Tabrizian) for treating diseases related to the stomach, treating stomach pain, strengthening the stomach, increasing the freshness and freshness of the face, treating jaundice, removing phlegm, treating heart palpitations, treating the number Shortness of breath (asthma and shortness of breath), side pain treatment, ...
Composite 3
Another combined medicine of Islamic medicine (Ayatollah Tabrizian) for the treatment of diseases related to the bladder, including the treatment of bladder prolapse, the treatment of urinary tract bleeding, the treatment of heartburn, the treatment and dissolution of bladder stones, the treatment of bladder cancer, and also for the removal of high humidity. The body removes phlegm, relieves stomach pain, treats abdominal swelling, ...
Composite 4
Treatment of diabetes (treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes, treatment of gestational diabetes,(...
- Treatment of prostate diseases
- It is useful to treat a person who has difficulty urinating or someone who cannot hold their urine (treatment of urinary frequency).
- Heart palpitation treatment
- Treatment of shortness of breath
- Treatment of headache and severe fever and chills
- Treating kidney diseases and warming the kidneys
- Treatment of leg swelling due to kidney failure
- Removes yellow eyes
- Removes yellowness of the face
Treatment of eye pain
- Treatment of excessive thirst (treatment of excessive thirst)
- Remove the parasite
- Removes cold from all joints.
- It is useful for treating side pain, abdominal pain and flatulence.
- Treatment of flatulence
- Rodel treatment
- Treatment of heartburn
- Regulate the work of the heart.
- Open the appetite for food.
- Relieve chest pain.
Treatment of jaundice
Composite 5
For treatment of incurable diseases, treatment of kidney stones and gall bladder stones, treatment of stomach diseases, treatment of wounds (especially bedsores, ...), treatment of underactive thyroid and treatment of overactive thyroid, treatment of bladder infection, treatment of heart palpitations, treatment of problems Respiratory, treatment of CP disease, treatment of depression, ... are recommended along with other Islamic medicine medicines.
compound 6 (blood pill(
- Treatment of all blood, heart and vascular diseases
- Treatment of anemia
- Treatment of internal and external female bleeding
- Treatment of blood cancer
- Treatment of thalassemia and hemophilia
- Treatment of muscle pains
- Treatment of insomnia due to anemia
- Treatment of hemorrhoids
- Treatment of headache and dizziness
Treatment of platelet deficiency
- The best alternative to iron drops or tablets (also, leek greens increase the body's natural iron and are a good alternative to unnatural chemical iron tablets.)
Composite 7
- Treatment of MS disease
Autism treatment
- Treatment of appendicitis
- Treatment of old and new cough
- Remove phlegm (phlegm)
- Treatment of depression, mental disorders and obsessions
- Treatment of spine deviation and spinal cord injury
- Treatment of muscle weakness
- Treatment of eye weakness and keratoconus
- Treatment of infection, itching and ear weakness
- Trachea and larynx cancer treatment
- Treatment of coronary artery congestion
- Treatment of liver cirrhosis
- Treatment of lymph node cancer
- Migraine headache treatment
- Brain tumor treatment
- Treatment of eye inflammations
Compound 8 (Prophet's medicine)
For the treatment of all diseases and incurable diseases, including: treatment of brain tumor, MS, Parkinson's, CP, mental retardation, treatment of cysts, treatment of breast cancer, blood cancer, lymph node cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer , treatment of the third tonsil and... is recommended.
composite joints
It is recommended for the treatment of joint pain, the treatment of arthritis of the joints, the treatment of watery joints, the treatment of rheumatism of the joints and the treatment of other joint diseases, the treatment of knee wear, the treatment of cartilage loss, the treatment of gout, as well as for digestion, the treatment of stomach diseases, ... becomes.
Compound 10
It is recommended for the treatment of skin diseases such as: eczema, psoriasis, psii, vitiligo, leprosy, ...

Compiler and translator: fatemeh abbaszadeh

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