popular and revolutionary management

popular and revolutionary management

Popular and revolutionary management
Every revolution is a product of the people, that is, people have a desire to form a new cultural and political order and are looking for ultimate values.
The Islamic revolution achieved victory on the shoulders of the people, the shoulders of the people will continue to live, and the shoulders of the people will be connected to the world revolution of Imam Zaman (AS). Because being popular is the axis of dignity and honor and the basic pillar of popular government in the age of ummah-imamate.
The Islamic government, which was supposed to be a religious democracy, and on the basis of this religious democracy, a model and modern civilization was created, deviated from its direct path, and once again, the culture of tyranny and the system of lords and serfs dominated the society. History rode the wave of time. Until in the year 42, Seyyed Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, Imam Khomeini of the free nations of the world, reminded mankind again of the story of creation. Imam Khomeini reminded people that they are guardians of blessings and not servants; they are masters, not subjects.
Imam Khomeini reminded the people that the most important mission of the Islamic government is to be the servant of the people, not their master. Imam Khomeini reminded the people of the world that God, who is the creator of the worlds and omnipotent, is a loving servant, and God, who is the creator of humans, never agrees with their slavery. ; While man has no duty to God except obedience; But God is very kind and very friendly to people, and because he loves people, he never likes their slavery; accordingly, in the Islamic system, the most important mission of the government is religious democracy and service to the people until reaching the state of worldly and hereafter happiness.
Another achievement of these people is to break the false grandeur of global arrogance in the region, to create hope in the front of the world's oppressed, to form a front of resistance and issue the discourse of the Islamic revolution, and this resistance and this standing will continue until the complete removal of the usurping Zionist regime from the geography of the region.
Iran's Islamic revolution is one of the unique events of the contemporary era and a new dawn in the history of mankind, which became the source of great works in the cultural, political, social, economic, etc. dimensions inside and outside of Iran. For sure, the genealogy of this revolution became fertile and fruitful by taking advantage of the clear source of knowledge and religious beliefs of the devoted and selfless people of Iran and relying on the strong roots of their cultural, political and social background.
In the opinion of the supreme leader, the revolution was a natural necessity based on divine traditions. To explain that; being a manifestation of God's will and providence, the system of existence is subject to laws and traditions that are neither changeable nor replaceable. Whether people want it or not, and whether the powerful are pleased or not, these traditions are fulfilled. One of these traditions is the manifestation of truth and its victory over falsehood. That is, the flow of existence and the management of the affairs of the world as well as the voluntary actions of man must be managed with divine planning and relying on correct knowledge in order to secure and guarantee his happiness.


Translator: F*EB

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